Top Tips For A Successful Award Entry


Entering awards can have huge benefits for businesses. Winning, or even making it onto a shortlist, can boost your credibility and powerfully promote your skills and experience. Preparing an award entry isn’t always easy though, so here are our top tips to help make your submission stand out:

1.      Don’t rush it. Allow plenty of time to draft a really solid entry. Judges see hundreds of entries so will be able to tell if you’ve cobbled one together in your lunchbreak.

2.      Start as you mean to go on. Create a compelling introduction that sets the scene, including key points that spark the judges interest from the outset.

3.      Be clear and concise. Develop a structure and tell a story, but don’t waffle or use jargon.

4.      Provide evidence. Back up details of your successes with facts or stats that underline business benefits and outcomes.

5.      Check the criteria. Read this carefully before you start to check that you can tick every box and revert back to it at the end to ensure you’ve met all requirements.

6.      Make it shine. Grab the judges’ attention with an eye-catching design that brings your entry to life, including a supporting information document if permitted.

7.      Share with colleagues. Ask other people to read the draft and provide honest feedback. There is always room for improvement and getting it checked will also ensure that there are no mistakes.

For further advice on writing award entries or if you need a hand drafting your submission, call on 0151 326 2333.


Awards, Marketing, PRSarah Reay