Seven Reasons Why You Should Enhance Your Brand

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It’s a common misconception that a brand and a logo are the same thing.  They’re not. A logo is simply a symbol; a visual cue that acts as a prompt to recall the values and qualities associated with the brand.

So how do you create awareness, understanding and advocacy for your brand, and why is it so important?

Let’s start with the why.

We can summarise the reasons your brand is so important in seven key points:

  1. A strong brand helps you stand out in a competitive marketplace

  2. It ensures customers and potential customers understand what makes you special and why they should work with you

  3. It makes you memorable so that potential customers actively seek you out

  4. It connects you to customers and supply chain partners with similar values and goals

  5. It demonstrates that you care about market perceptions, quality and communication

  6. It indicates that you are dynamic and prepared for growth

  7. It provides you with brand equity that will help protect your company if times get tough

Despite the pivotal role of the brand in communicating what your company is and why it exists, many companies create a logo and invest in a tactical marketing campaign without ever considering what lies at the heart of their brand.

Regardless of where you sit in the construction supply chain, branding begins with understanding your core values, your raison d’être and your unique customer proposition and articulating all of that in words and images that will communicate your brand consistently.

It should inform the language and tone of voice you use in your brochure, sales collateral, website and customer communications as well as the way you express your company culture and goals amongst your own team.

It should also influence the choice of logo, images and colour palette on all your marketing materials and livery, ensuring coherent and recognizable style and quality across everything you do.

If you think it sounds like a big task, that’s probably because it is. But it’s also a financial and time investment that will help you leverage the full value of your marketing spend and dovetail with your commercial strategy to add real commercial value to your business.

If you’d like to know more about why your brand matters and how it could help you stay ahead in a competitive construction market, why not give us a call on 0151 236 2333.